Sunday, January 18, 2009

Settling in...I think

Today was actually my 4th day of practice. With the delay in internet access, I had to catch up. In the two days that followed the 1st practice, I got a migraine (surprise) & then sick to my stomach...BUT today was much better. I am finding that a slower rhythm allows me to sustain strength in the practice (big surprise) without getting sickie after. It is so amazing to contrast practice here with practice at home. Often, at home I can plow through even if I don't feel wonderful, but here, NO WAY! You'll just get super sick. What I've learned is that it all is no good, practicing when not well, just there it stores up & here you get instant feedback. Isn't this what we are working for in our yoga practice? Conscious awareness & balanced choices?

I can't quite find words to express the depth of experiential learning going here. Each day Sherifka "casually" stops by for lunch, or a chat on the porch & BAM! Download of the centuries.
I am beginning to believe that his knowledge of all styles of Kalari + healing techniques & modalities , yoga, and ayurveda PLUS other martial art forms is limitless. Today he was talking about Central Style Kalari & how much of the lineage is lost because it was kept so secret & the gurukkals started dying without passing the knowledge on. It is a beautiful, dance-like practice based on the movement of the vayus (energy patterns in the body). I kept thinking of the way Shiva ( Shiva Rea, my yoga teacher) teaches, and how similar the feel of the movement must be.

All in all, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for the path that has guided me here, to listen to the wisdom of my body, and the wisdom of those who have spent a lifetime collecting and gathering and practicing and passing it all on.

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