Friday, January 16, 2009


I had intended to get the blog up and running three days ago, but USB sticks & trips to town all had to be arranged in order for this to happen. I was told that once you arrive in India you are on her time, so release all urgency & surrender. This is very good advice.
In order to post pictures, the same rule now applies, so that will appear when she is ready...
Now on to the story:
1st: I love it here.
I know it probably comes as no shock to those who know me, but the depth of feeling I experienced upon arrival surprised even me (though EXHAUSTED after two days of grueling travel).
Everyone had warned me about car travel & how scary it is in India; with cars driving on all sides of the road, avoiding buses, cows, and scooters at a break-neck pace, but I was calm & felt the flow within the seeming chaos to be affirming. We stopped for food & I had my forst experience eating with ONLY my right hand & with people staring at my skin & hair. We stopped for the train & I had my first experience of the community of humanity here- everyone together, out of their cars & scooters, too hot to wait in a vehicle, may as well walk & stretch- all together....nice.
When we finally made it to Kannur, a bed was moved in to a room with a bathroom/shower* for me & I decided to unpack & set up my mosquito net before going to bed at 3:30am. Whew!
*(This is one tiled enclosure with a toilet in a giant shower stall-which only has cold water unless you heat some on a stove & put in a bucket to be poured on yourself)
The next morning, we were told not to practice, and I was grateful. I met with Sherifka (the gurukkal of the Kalari) to determine when I would practice & when I would recieve treatment, both are very important to the study of Kalari. It seems that my migraine headaches every 3-12 days were a concern (of course!) so an appointment was set for a visit to the local Ayurvedic Dr. for the next day. In the meantime, I would practice the next morning.

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