Saturday, January 31, 2009

It Takes a Village

One of the absolutely fantastic things about being here is the realization of how much work goes in to the basics of life when 'technology' is absent. Without pre-packaged meals, dishwashers, washing machines and dryers, microwaves, and two cars for every person, arrangements and preparations are constantly being made on our behalves. And that's for life outside of training and treatment.

I could wax poetic about how the simplicity of life here is so beautiful, and that would be partly true. But it is also difficult, and I feel grateful that so many helpful and caring people surround me everyday.

Today, as I was watching Adrika apply a home-made paste to Gerhard's hurting knees, it occurred to me that he came over to the house where we eat Kanjana's delicious food to get some milk. Then he gathered the other ingredients from the market and went to Lakshmiti's house (were Sam stays) to make the paste & get cloths to wrap the knees. Finally, he came to our house to treat Gerhard. All of this he did on foot.
A small side note: Adrika is an Herb Collector, he knows every growing thing here, and a bunch of the medicinal application qualities for them, but mainly, he takes care of us.

So after he left, I really spent some time reviewing all the wonderful people here who make it possible for us to just be here:
Kanjana and Lakshmiti who cook and clean for us, three meals a day, tea all day, and LOADS and LOADS of laundry, which is done by hand on a washing stone.
Lakshmi, who lives next door, and keeps milk in her refrigerator so that we can have chai in the morning. Lakshmi also keeps the house key, which gets dropped off and picked up twice a day.
Adrika, who is constantly getting food and medicines and running from house to house to house for all of our needs.
Annil, who helps out with treatments in special cases, and it seems there are always special cases.
Rajif, Dinesh, and Ramesh, who train us every morning, and Ramesh trains and helps with
treatment in the afternoon as well. Ramesh and Rajf are also the airport taxi, which is no small job, as it is 3 hours away.
Shefirka's sons, Shahabas, Samil, Jamsheer, who are constantly shuffling scooters, bikes and cars around so we can get where we need to go. Jamsheer also helps with treatment.
And of course, Sherifka, who is limitless in knowledge, but is also EXTREMELY active in keeping us well fed, well stocked with ayurvedic medicines, and co-ordinates the crazy circus that is going on here every day.

All of these people remind me of all the people it takes to run the studio, and I am truly humbled and inspired by the village here and the village waiting for me at home.

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