Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Unwinding

I can't believe that there are only 8 days before I leave for Dubai and 12 until I come home. In many ways, I feel that I am just getting into the groove. In many ways, I am ready to move into the next phase.

The house and the Kalari are reflections of this same energy. Janet, Dagmar, Margareta and Xenia have all left. Elise is packing to go even as I type. Manuel, Gerhard and I all leave India on the 4th, and are trying to figure out how to get all the last stuff in. Sam is applying for jobs in England for the 1st time after 3 years of traveling. We are all wondering what is awaiting us as we make the journey home.

I have been thinking about what I have learned here, and in many ways I feel that the knowledge I have gained here has mostly been transmitted on an energetical level. An understanding, rather than a knowing in a scholarly way.

I have a new relationship with authenticity, especially in weakness. I feel gratitude for the many many times I have been challenged... and supported in those challenges. I am also deeply appreciative of the opportunities I have had to be still, to walk alone, to find new strength. I know I will leave some of this awareness here, and I am at peace with that.

I suppose many come to India seeking enlightenment, that is understandable, as there is so much deep, old wisdom here. In don't feel enlightened, just a little more familiar.


  1. This post was beautiful. You put into words, thoughts I've found myself thinking about certain things at times, of course on a much more superficial plane.

    I'm kindof sad that you're leaving, even if you're not sad.

    (I've been reading your blog a few weeks now and have enjoyed it...thanks for writing it).

  2. I am excited you are coming home. We have missed you and your advice around here!! LOVE YOU!!!
