Saturday, February 21, 2009


The day finally arrived- Purging.

I admit to some fear and apprehension surrounding this whole process, and am happy to report that I am alive and well (mostly) today.

The day was supposed to start at 6am by drinking 20ml of castor oil, but I hardly slept the night before, so I started at 7am. I drank the oil (YUCKY!) gargled and waited. The process is to drink the oil, then half a glass of water. After that, one glass of water every 30 minutes until the purge is complete-which means 4-6 times pooping until only water comes out (I know it's not pleasant, but that's how it goes). Once that happens, you get rice water with a bit of rice at the bottom. This stops the purging so you can eat some rice and vegetables later in the afternoon. Then, if all goes well, you get to eat a regular dinner.

What happened to me was similar, but I had been cheating for the last few days & drinking milk chai. I thought it was fine, no problem, treatments going well enough, stomach feels okay, but my constitution really can't handle it, so the purge forced the stuff into my system & BAM... MIGRAINE!!! And the special bonus, BAM, MIGRAINE this morning as well.

After many massage treatments where I thought they might be taking my head completely off, we surrendered to the chemical fix of my western medicine. I had jacked up my system with the milk, and the only way out without suffering for two more days was the pills. I really appreciated that Sherifka suggested to take them, because I felt so guilty even asking. He told me that at a certain point, the pain is so taxing on the system, that it is worse to let it continue than to take the western pills.

After a half an hour rest I was like a new person. Hooray! I finally had that cleaned out and energized feeling. I now know what to expect and what to avoid and I feel how beneficial the purge was for my body. I am hooked, but glad it will be a long time before I do it again.

Later, I was even able to go to town to pick up some pants I had made (really great tailors & really inexpensive) and I even had a real dinner.

Lesson learned: listen to Sherifka, and don't drink milk!

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