Sunday, February 8, 2009

New Arrivals

Our group has blossomed to 10 with Manuel set to arrive back from traveling this week to make it 11. It's fun, but the car rides are really crowded and SUPER hot.
The New Crew:
Elise from San Fransisco~ Yup, another American here, yay!
Peter from Hamburg- a techie and a student of Gerhard's
Margarita-a student of Manuel's who is an avid horseback rider
Xenia + her friend Steve, from Australia and is meeting her after studying yoga for three weeks in the jungle outside of Goa (India- a bit north of here, famous for beaches & markets & the Bourne Identity movie)
Dagmar, Janet, Sam, Gerhard and Me

With all the new folks the one kalari just wasn't holding us all, so Sherifka took Gerhard and I to the newer kalari this morning. We arrived as the locals were wrapping up their practice, and WHAT A TREAT!
There was a group of about 12 boys ages 16-20 practicing together with two assistants whom I had not yet met. I was so humbled to be let in to watch as they ended their practice, which is not usually done.
Normally, a white woman with super blond hair would be a distraction to a group of boys this age in India. These young men were hardly fazed, and showed their deep respect for Kalari and for Sherifka by continuing on without losing focus, even as Gerhard (who looks like a giant here) and I with my practice clothes, looked on.

After the boys were dismissed, we began to practice with Sherifka and the two assistants. I felt a bit spoiled to be there at that time with just the two of us and the three of them. Each day, I learn so much and even more so when Sherifka leads the practice. I really connected to the lineage-the bigger picture of Kalari and how it is lived here.

Once again, I feel that I am so lucky to be a tiny part of it.

Me, Dagmar, Xenia & Janet inside the new Kalari (a different day)
The New Kalari

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