Sunday, March 1, 2009

Back in the Saddle

I get to practice - HOOOORAY!!!

With only 5 days left, Sherifka saw that I was really really wanting to practice, and although it is not ideal after intense treatment, he allowed me to go to the kalari and to 10% of what I was before. I know it doesn't sound like much, but after 16 days of n-o-t-h-i-n-g, I was so happy to just be there, feel the clay, move a bit and reconnect.

I also am feeling some more of the benefit of the treatment. The normal aches and pains (what I thought was normal) have seemed to evaporate, and I feel more movement within the movement. A subtle shift in energy flow. One unexpected side effect is that because I basically had a 'master re-set' in my muscular system, my balance is a bit off during practice, and I have no real power. I can feel it coming, but it's not quite there yet.

It will be interesting to see what develops in the next few weeks, traveling to Dubai and finally home. I am wondering how my practice will change: what will be tighter and what will come together, what will be forgotten until I return again.

I can feel the pull of home beginning to take hold. Manuel is now gone, he is missed for sure - it is much quieter now... even the house knows it's the end. I am beginning to wonder what it feels like to have a new president (yup, I missed that whole thing), what the economic situation holds for me and for so many, to anticipate a different paradigm than the one I left.

We are all squeezing the last drops of the sun from this experience.

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